Ecocriticism with an Indian Perspective

Ecocriticism with an Indian Perspective


  • Dharmesh P Vavaiya


Ecocriticism, Oikos, Eco- feminism, Green Cultural Studies, ecoliterature


Ecocriticism is a new branch of literary criticism. It is related to ecological literacy.  This literacy prompts the writer to raise the ecological issues in creation.  It is a new movement of the age which has now fully bloomed in the last four decades. Ecocriticism is a swiftly altering approach that has recently emerged from the conventional approach to literature. The ecocritics observe both the local and global as well as the physical and natural and also the historical and recent in the perspective of a work of art. Ecocritical approach is interdisciplinary. It combines green studies, the natural sciences and social sciences. Basically, this theory has been used to interpret any text of literature from the West. It was very first time used by Cherryl Glotfelty. It was more famous in US and then it became popular in UK model. Nature is No Man’s property. Where ever nature is found, an ecocritic can study to interpret a text. As a result, this research paper would focus on Indian view point towards Ecocriticism.


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How to Cite

Dharmesh P Vavaiya. (2021). Ecocriticism with an Indian Perspective. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from