Picturization of India in A Million Mutinies Now by V S Naipaul: A Study

Picturization of India in A Million Mutinies Now by V S Naipaul: A Study


  • Dr. Neeharika Rawat


Diaspora, India, Identity, Empowerment


India is portrayed as Naipaul depicts it in A Million Mutinies Now, the third volume of his trilogy on India. Following the publication of two polemical books on his views and analyses of India, Naipaul returned to the country in 1988, resulting in his third trip narrative about the country. Naipaul witnessed changes on a variety of levels in India during this journey, and he scrupulously documented the varied experiences of persons undergoing transition. He focused particularly on the country's numerous social, political, and religious upheavals and movements. This essay goes into the individual struggles and societal struggles for identity and empowerment that Naipaul documented across the country. This time, he took a different approach to understanding India, softening his harsh judgments and caustic critiques. The extent to which Naipaul's portrayal of India has developed over time will be examined. Additionally, it would determine whether the work contains any personal prejudices or Eurocentric prejudices as a result of his complicated relationship with India and the Western worldview.


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Dr. Neeharika Rawat. (2022). Picturization of India in A Million Mutinies Now by V S Naipaul: A Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(6). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/444