The Role of Psychological Well-being and Personality of Nursing Staff in Healthcare Sector

The Role of Psychological Well-being and Personality of Nursing Staff in Healthcare Sector


  • Shitalben Shiyaniya


Well-bring, Personality, Nursing, Healthcare, Psychology


In India, the healthcare industry is one of the largest and fastest expanding economic sectors. Nurses play an important part in the healthcare industry and are often the first persons who come to mind when discussing healthcare. The need for attendants is also growing, not only because of the excellent pay and job security, but also because of the care they provide, which has an impact on the lives of others. Nursing staff's role has evolved from that of a medical services provider to that of a wellness instructor, aftercare support, wellness instructor, clinical associate, wellness counsellor, and one who provides appropriate protection to patients and families. The psychological well-being and personality of nurses have an impact on their profession, which in turn has an impact on the overall healthcare industry. As a result, the current research article intends to analyze the notions of psychological well-being and personality using relevant theories.


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How to Cite

Shitalben Shiyaniya. (2022). The Role of Psychological Well-being and Personality of Nursing Staff in Healthcare Sector . Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(6). Retrieved from