'Voices Unheard' an Overview of Indian Tribal Culture through its Literature

'Voices Unheard' an Overview of Indian Tribal Culture through its Literature


  • Dr. Neerja A Gupta


Bharat an ancient land or India is incredible in matter of languages, faces, races, traditions, backgrounds, sects, colors, deities and religion that presents vast experience of unity in diversity. Indian culture has been great unique factor where all community live in harmony. The major portion of the population is occupied by the tribal. They belong to the distinctive community migrated from another place or original inhabitants of the land. ‘Tribal’ is a community which possess a unique culture and surrounded by their community only. According to Sheth Godin,
“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate”


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Godin, Sheth. “Quote”. <http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/538012-a-tribe-is-a- group-of-people-connected-to-one.> Web.12th Dec.2016

Corry, Stephen. Tribals people for tomorrow’s world: a guide. Freeman Press Publication, 2011. Pg 21 Print

Ghurye, G.S. The Scheduled Tribes. Bombay: Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd, 1963. Pg 15-38. Print

Chattopadhyaya, Kamladevi. Tribalisam in India. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. ltd, 1978. Pg 4 Print.

Vadi, Parvat. “Ave to Uth” Ed. Jitendra Vasava Lakhara. Vadodara: Purva Prakashan, Volume 1 Sep 2008. Pg 3 (translated by NG) Print

Rathava Munja. “Kariyo” Ed. Jitendra Vasava Lakhara. Vadodara: Purva Prakashan, Volume 1 Sep 2008. Pg 7 (translated by NG) Print

Ishai Subhas. “Me Bhanava Karu” ” Ed. Jitendra Vasava Lakhara. Vadodara: Purva Prakashan, Volume 1 Sep 2008. Pg 11 (translated by NG) Print

Chaudhari Dr.Prabhu R. “Dangi lagna Gito: sampadan and Samiksha” Dangi Lagnagito: Ek Abhyas. Ahmedabad: Parshva Publication 2012 pg 65 (translated by NG) Print

Father Raymond A. Chauhan S.J. “Adivasi gamit Jatima Holi na Tahevaro ane Holi na Gito”. Gujarat: Anand Press Publication. 2005 pg 45 Print

Patel Sailesh. Ed Dhol-Panchmahali Bhili issue 4 2003. Pg 10 Print

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How to Cite

Dr. Neerja A Gupta. (2017). ’Voices Unheard’ an Overview of Indian Tribal Culture through its Literature. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 3(2). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/419