Critical Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges of FDI in Textile Industry in India

Critical Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges of FDI in Textile Industry in India




Foreign Direct Investment, GDP, Multi- Brand Retail Sectors, Opportunity- Challenges Retail Sector, Single Brand


In the post-progression period, changes in the customer buy conduct are seen with developing advancement; ascend in per capita salary, GDP and blast of brands. This ascent in enormous base of shoppers has been a fascination for huge worldwide retailers and significant local corporate division to put resources into present day retail area in India. This extraordinary ascent in various brands has given Indian purchasers a more extensive selection of items and sufficient chances to exploit in the present situation. The retail business in India is relied upon to develop at a pace of 14% by 2013.Asper Investment Commission of India, the retail segment is required to develop very nearly multiple times its present levels to $660 billion by 2015 Retail industry is one of the sunrise sectors with huge growth potential. However, regardless of the ongoing advancements in retail part and its colossal commitment to the economy, it keeps on being the least developed enterprises in India when contrasted with rest of the world. Without a doubt, this terrible circumstance of the retail segment, notwithstanding the continuous influx of perpetual progression and globalization, comes from the nonattendance of FDI empowering arrangement in the Indian retail segment. Right now, present paper endeavors to survey the chances and difficulties of FDI inflows into the Indian retail part, which incorporate single brand and multi-brand retail segments.


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How to Cite

JAY A. OGANJA. (2020). Critical Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges of FDI in Textile Industry in India. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(3). Retrieved from