The Role of Ethics in Accounting-An Exploratory Study

The Role of Ethics in Accounting-An Exploratory Study


  • Dr. Viren Manek


Accountant, Ethic, Accounting Training, Business, Ethical Disciplines


In this paper, the researcher has examined accounting, and its ability to directly attract public self-esteem depends on the acceptance of professional disciplines on several important ethical and accounting subjects. The fraudulent accounting practises state that the weakness of ethical values governs the work and education of accounting. Therefore, the accounting training system has been established since this problem will lead to an increase in public trust, efficiency towards accountants. The role of ethics in solving the accounting training system and the professional accounting rules that are based on mind and metallization were explained by the library method and by exploring the websites through current research. The aforementioned problem will cause the complicated accounting issues among the accountants of the companies to be resolved.


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How to Cite

Dr. Viren Manek. (2019). The Role of Ethics in Accounting-An Exploratory Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(5). Retrieved from