Health and Psychology

Health and Psychology


  • Dr. Navinchandra V. Kanani


The question accurse to the that how do we tern or understand the word health ? Generally we define the term ‘health by mentioning something about health being a state of being well and not being site. We usually think of health in terms of an absence of (1) objective signs i.e. body des not functions property (2) Subjective symptoms of disense or injury. Such as pain an runs most of the dictionaries define in this way but there is a problem with such definition of health. Het’s see way.
Consider and, the overweight girl in the opening starry. We usually hear people saying it is hat healthy ? What about someone who feels fine an whose are being damaged four smoking cigarette or whose arteries are becoming clogged from eating food that are in highly saturated fats ? These are all sighs of improper body factoring are people with these sighs healthy ? we probably would say, they are hot side. They are just lets healthy than would be without unhealthful conditions.


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How to Cite

Dr. Navinchandra V. Kanani. (2019). Health and Psychology. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(4). Retrieved from