Use of Technology in Academic Libraries: A Study

Use of Technology in Academic Libraries: A Study


  • Ashishkumar Jitendrabhai Gajjar


Academic Libraries are at a turning point. As technology rapidly transforms the way we access information, and resources are increasingly available online and in digital formats, the established role of the library as a physical space housing racks of books is looking increasingly out of step with the needs of students and researchers. Allied with technology, library users‟ needs and preferences are helping to drive the change in libraries. Students, researchers and teachers now expect to be able to access information around the clock, from almost anywhere in the world and via a growing number of devices, from laptops to phones. As the information technologies are changing day-today and growing at a tremendous speed, the knowledge society is becoming more complex. The need for e-information services to the users are also growing and becoming very essential. The impact of web based e-learning and teaching environment has influenced every facet of library and information services in academic libraries and providing new opportunities and challenges to the library professional for involvement in the knowledge based society including electronic and multimedia publishing, Internet based-information services, global networking, web based digital resources etc.


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organize and manage the information by building digital libraries and by which they can provide quality e-information service to the knowledge society. Library staff must be capable of working effectively in partnership with faculty members to enhance the strength of teaching and research. To be certain, there are many staff members of this kind in academic libraries today. In this as in other respects, part of the skills, library staff must develop is the ability to educate faculty members, helping them to understand the power and applicability of e-resources.


Prinsen, Jola G B (2001). A Challenging future awaits Libraries able to change. D-Lib Magazine, 7(11),

Roes, Hans. (2001). Digital Libraries and Education: Trends and Opportunities. D-Lib Magazine, 7 (7/8), July/August..

Kurtus, Ron (2004). What is e-learning. (accessed on 20.06.2009)

Levy, Philippa and Roberts, Sue. (October). Developing the new learning environment: the changing role of the academic librarian. Facet Publishing, 256p.

Lipka, Sara. (2004). The Secret Lives of Academics. Chronicle of Higher Education 51(8), A6. n.htm.

Thomas L. Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005).

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How to Cite

Ashishkumar Jitendrabhai Gajjar. (2021). Use of Technology in Academic Libraries: A Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(4). Retrieved from