Eclectic Approach for English Language Teaching: Concept and Considerations

Eclectic Approach for English Language Teaching: Concept and Considerations


  • Aneri Arya


Eclectic approach, English Language Teaching, language learning, pedagogy


The discipline of English Language Teaching has been distinguished by its preoccupation with innovative theories and strategies of teaching English effectively and constructively since its emergence. Over the years, ELT has provided several fascinating approaches, methods and techniques of language learning. Especially the recent history of ELT has been characterized by frequent innovations and developments. These diverse approaches and methods have their unique individual advantages as well as limitations depending on various factors. It leads the scholars and academicians towards the eclectic approach, which is a blend of suitable approaches and methods applied according to the needs of the learners and the social-cultural context. The eclectic approach appears to be utilitarian as well as appealing in a contemporary time. Hence, this paper seeks to explore and examine the concept of eclectic approach for English language teaching along with various aspects of it. It also focuses on evaluating its pedagogical implications.


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How to Cite

Aneri Arya. (2019). Eclectic Approach for English Language Teaching: Concept and Considerations. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(3). Retrieved from