Ownership Pattern and its impact on stock price

Ownership Pattern and its impact on stock price


  • Amit Ratilal Popat


Ownership structure of any company has been a serious agenda for a corporate governance and that of a performance of a firm. Thus, who owns the firm’s equity and how does ownership affect firm value has been a topic investigated by researchers for decades. Thus, the ownership structure own firm performance has been widely tackled in a various developed market and more recently in emerging markets, but was less discussed before, these paper is a moderate attempt to address the relation of ownership structure of the firm and stock prise it investigates weather “The Ownership Pattern has Impact on stock price


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1 Title: quantitative analysis

Author. Ken black

2 Title: Security Analysis and portfolio management

Author. Prasanna Chandra


1 Economic times


1 www.moneycontrol.com

2 www.bseindia.com

3 www.nseindia.com

4 www.marketmojo.com

5 www.yahoofinance.com

Raval, Navjyot, Meeta Mandaviya, and Alpesh Gajera. "An Empirical Study on Financial Performance Analysis of selected Equity stocks of Indian Pharmaceutical Industry." Ilkogretim Online 20.5 (2021).

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How to Cite

Amit Ratilal Popat. (2020). Ownership Pattern and its impact on stock price. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(3). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/325