Role of Empowered Women in Media & Advertisement Industry

Role of Empowered Women in Media & Advertisement Industry


  • Sagar Amipara


The study tries to spot the trends and patterns of the role represented by women in Indian TV advertisements and explore the perception of the audience concerning the portrayal of women in Indian TV advertisements. throughout the primary part of the study content analysis is employed to search out totally different role represented by women in Indian TV advertisements and their association with alternative collarets of the advertisements like status, setting, credibleness, voice over, eye-contact and product class. Non-probability sampling, specifically systematic purposive sampling is employed for sampling. Advertisements that are broadcast throughout the 5 preferred time TV shows were recorded. Out of 406 advertisements 268 advertisements were chosen on the idea of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Advertisements are coded on the idea of the pre coded classes, known from the prevailing review of literature. The classes are custom-made from the speculation of Gender Stereotype by Erving Goffman. The frequency of the variables was explored and also the association of various role represented by women with alternative collarets was examined through the cross-tabulation and chi-square test.


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How to Cite

Sagar Amipara. (2019). Role of Empowered Women in Media & Advertisement Industry. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(4). Retrieved from