Problems faced by Gujarati speaking students to learn English as a Second Language

Problems faced by Gujarati speaking students to learn English as a Second Language


  • Imran Khan


English remains as a second language for those who are born and brought up in Gujarat. And for years, learning and speaking English in Gujarati society is taken as something which is uncommon. A Gujarati who can speak English is always looked at through different colored glasses. It is mainly because of many reasons and one of those is English. Especially in some parts of Gujarat, is considered as a Language of elite and „Educated‟ class of society. It is mostly seen as a language of Educational world. Like other states of India, in Gujarat English is taken as the ladder of success or something which can make career. Along with this, it has also been remarkably observed that English is unexceptionally found very difficult in Gujarati society. Craze of learning English in Gujarati youth has given high a rise to uncountable Spoken English Coaching Classes and institutions which claim to be the only who can teach English. Moreover, such a blind Bandwagon has also completely commercialized the idea of teaching and learning English; as a result of which English seems to have been a tool of making money rather than a language of high literature, knowledge, information, trade and technology. Secondly, in Gujarat, the learners can be widely categorized depending on their purpose of learning English. There are students who (hardly) complete their graduation and then run to learn English for their own reasons. On the other hand there are learners who want to learn English and when they are asked reason/s, the reply is very weird and obscure. On the other hand, there are students who want only that much English which can help them to pass competitive Exams which in reality have nothing to do with English as an international language. Almost all who want to learn English find it difficult to speak English fluently because of one than more reasons. This research paper will try to discuss those problems in detail with some possible remedies. One of the reasons of Gujaratis‟ poor English is the way they have learnt English during their schools and colleges and the way English is taught to them. In the method most of the time taken in use by the school or college teachers, no uniformity is seen. Secondly, there is a sea difference in Gujarati and English language grammar which is hardly taught comparatively or learnt comparatively. There is a vast difference in Gujarati language and dialect. If English grammar is taught using translation or indirect method, there must be perfection in Gujarati grammar too while teaching English grammar which is doubtful. It is but natural that no additional training is needed to learn first language so in Gujarat, people need not be trained to learn first language. One of the most interfering factors which pull people from learning English is variety of Gujarati and many other regional dialects spoken across Gujarat. The grammar of English and other dialects including Gujarati language falls quite different from each other. And English is not taught in schools keeping this variety and difference in mind.

This paper aims to churn all issues and reach better solutions for present and upcoming students as well as teachers.


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How to Cite

Imran Khan. (2016). Problems faced by Gujarati speaking students to learn English as a Second Language. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 2(1). Retrieved from