
  • Bhavik U. Swadia


Customer satisfaction, Shopping malls, retail


India's retailing industry has undergone major changes in the last ten years. The organized retail industry in India is 40% annually on an annual basis and by 2013-2014 the size will be three or four times. Retailing is a little bit of a change in the next explosion industry. The consumer satisfaction process is an unexpected surprise that various components are involved in the purchase of merchandise or service which can affect each choice. Consumer satisfaction is more unpredictable than today, and is significantly more important for retailers. The main objective of this study is to examine the effects of offers, advertisement and quality etc. on consumer satisfaction towards shopping malls in Delhi, India. This sample included 300 respondents who are active in shopping from shopping malls. This study will help in making shopping malls supervisors and their promotional techniques to understand the elements of progress of basic deals on consumer satisfaction, as well as additional studies that will help in understanding those variables.


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How to Cite

Bhavik U. Swadia. (2018). STUDY OF CONSUMER SATISFACTION TOWARDS SHOPPING MALL. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 3(4). Retrieved from

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