The Role of Task-Based Language Teaching in Fostering Communicative Skills Among ESL Students

The Role of Task-Based Language Teaching in Fostering Communicative Skills Among ESL Students


  • Bhavisha Vyas


TBLT (Task-Based Language Teaching), Language learning, Task, Motivation


As a dynamic and effective method for developing communication skills in students studying English as a second language (ESL), task-based language teaching, or TBLT, has emerged. This abstract looks at how TBLT organizes language learning and promotes meaningful communication in the setting of English as a Second Language (ESL) classrooms. The study investigates the fundamental concepts of TBLT and underlines the influence that it has on language proficiency with activities that are both engaging and purposeful. Through the incorporation of real-world scenarios into language training, the goal of TBLT is to bridge the gap between student learning in the classroom and actual language usage in the real world. In the abstract, the empirical data that supports the effectiveness of TBLT is discussed, and the potential of TBLT to improve not only linguistic competence but also pragmatic language abilities is emphasized. To summarize, TBLT is a cornerstone in the cultivation of communication abilities that are essential for English as a Second Language (ESL) students to have to navigate a globalized and interconnected world.


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How to Cite

Bhavisha Vyas. (2024). The Role of Task-Based Language Teaching in Fostering Communicative Skills Among ESL Students. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(1). Retrieved from