Analysis of Bearing Performance of the Shliomis Model Based Porous Rough Short Bearing
Rough Short Bearing, Raynold’s Equation, Ferrofluid, Porous Structure, Load Bearing CapacityAbstract
The main objective of this research article was to analyze the bearing performance of a rough short bearing helped by a Ferrofluid with an assorted porous structure using numerical modeling of the Shliomis model. By combining the Christensen and Tonder models, we estimated the roughness in a stochastic manner. We assumed that the probability density function for the variable controlling the bearing's roughness is symmetrical and has a zero mean, which makes it more practical and realistic. The dimensionless quantities are numerically calculated and generated. Under appropriate boundary conditions, the stochastically averaged Reynolds type equation was solved to produce the pressure distribution, which in turn yielded the formula for the load bearing capacity incorporating the Kozeny-Carman’s model-based porosity. The Simpsons 1/3 method is used to solve the load carrying capacity equation to understand how it affects the performance of the bearing system. Finally, graphs show that utilizing Ferrofluid lubrication based on the Shliomis model counterbalance the negative effect of bearing roughness on load bearing capacity significantly.
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