Crop insect classification by combining RGB and Segmented images using SVM and KNN

Crop insect classification by combining RGB and Segmented images using SVM and KNN


  • Dr. Naresh Dembla
  • Ravindra Yadav
  • Dr. Kamal Borana


Elbow Clustering, KNN, SVM, crop insects, image segmentation, image fusion


The Indian economy is badly affected if the crop production for a particular financial year goes down. The two major factors that affect crop production are environmental factors and the other is different types of crop disease caused by various insects. In the current work we have proposed a solution to correctly classify the various crop insect images with the help of fusing RGB and Segmented images. The elbow method has been adopted to correctly identify the number of clusters. The k-nearest neighbor has been used to extract the features by clustering the nearest pixel for segmenting the image, and combination of KNN with support vector machine has been used to fuse the RGB image and segmented image. This approach has streamed line our data and thus the fused image has been feed to pre-trained CNN model Resnet50. The classification accuracy has been observed as 85.5,72.7,88.4 in case of RGB, Segmented, and Fused image respectively. So the proposed method has achieved the highest accuracy, thus novelty has been achieved through the proposed methods.

Significant Statement: The work has been done for the classification of the crop insects, for the classification we have used the fusion of RGB and segmented images of insects. At first we have segmented the image using the K nearest neighbor algorithm. The no of cluster has been chosen with the help of elbow method. Then we have proposed an algorithm to fuse the RGB and segmented image. The novelty has been achieved as the RGB image provide the color information and the segmentation try to focus on the required object. Fusing both of them leads to better classification with the help of Resnet50.


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How to Cite

Dr. Naresh Dembla, Ravindra Yadav, & Dr. Kamal Borana. (2024). Crop insect classification by combining RGB and Segmented images using SVM and KNN. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(si2), 187–199. Retrieved from