Study of Dielectric and Electric Properties of BaTiO₃ Composites Doped with Varying Concentrations of Silicon

Study of Dielectric and Electric Properties of BaTiO₃ Composites Doped with Varying Concentrations of Silicon


  • Sarjeetkumar H. Prajapati



Barium titanate (BaTiO₃), Silicon (Si), Solid-state reaction, Dielectric Constant


Barium Titanate (BaTiO₃) is a ferroelectric material with diverse applications in capacitors, actuators, and sensors. The introduction of silicon (Si) as a dopant provides a novel pathway to tailor its electrical, dielectric, and structural properties for specific industrial needs. This study investigates the effects of varying Si concentrations (1%, 5%, and 10%, by weight) on BaTiO₃, focusing on dielectric constant, dielectric loss, AC conductivity, and structural changes. Measurements are performed across a range of frequencies (1 kHz to 1 MHz) and temperatures (25°C to 40°C). The findings reveal a significant dependency of electrical properties on Si concentration and operating conditions, highlighting optimal doping levels for specific applications. This paper synthesizes these results, providing insights for material optimization. The advent of advanced functional materials has propelled the exploration of dielectric ceramics such as barium titanate (BaTiO3), which exhibit exceptional properties suitable for electronic applications. Measurements of dielectric constant, dielectric loss, and AC conductivity were conducted over a wide frequency range (1 kHz to1 MHz) and at various temperatures (25°C, 30°C, 35°C, and 40°C). The findings reveal that Si doping significantly modifies the dielectric behaviour of BaTiO3. At lower Si concentrations, the dielectric constant increased due to enhanced polarization arising from improved lattice distortions and defect interactions. As the Si concentration increased further, a saturation effect was observed, indicating a limit to the beneficial impact of doping. Dielectric loss decreased with moderate Si doping, suggesting reduced energy dissipation, but increased slightly at higher concentrations, likely due to the formation of secondary phases. Similarly, AC conductivity demonstrated distinct frequency dependence, with conduction mechanisms strongly influenced by Si content and thermal activation at different temperatures.


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How to Cite

Sarjeetkumar H. Prajapati. (2024). Study of Dielectric and Electric Properties of BaTiO₃ Composites Doped with Varying Concentrations of Silicon. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(3).