Globalization and Indian Fiction: Concerns and Challenges

Globalization and Indian Fiction: Concerns and Challenges


  • Prof. R. B. Zala


The very theme of this seminar ‘Globalization and Indian Literature: Concerns and Challenges posit a concern that the very Term ‘Globalisation’ is a challenge to ‘national’ literature as Indian Literature. The reason being that Globalisation looked at as the contender to nationalism even to historiographers surrounding the rise of ‘global history’ in 1990 just as the in case of visualizing the globe the national borders are blurred due in the telescopic view of globalization. The challenge is to zoom in and find for our self that ultimately the globe too far to behold and there is a human compulsion to attempt at the local which is regarded as a concern or a challenge.


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Bhyrappa, S L. Avarana The Vail. Rupa Publications.2014

Kundalkar Sachin Cobalt Blue .Trans. Jerry Pinto. Hamish Hamilton,2013. Print

Bhatt, Dhruv. Lovely Pan House. Ahmadabad: Gurjar Granth Nirman Karyalay. 2012.Print

Loomba, Ania, Suvir Kaul and others. Post Colonial Studies and Beyond. New Delhi: Permanent Black. 2005. Print.

Reynold’s , Juliet . Finding Neema. Gurgoan: Hachette India. 2013.Print

Rikki, Vipul. 2012 Nights. 2012.Print.

Nair, Rukmani Bhaya. Mad Girls Love Song. Noida: Harper Collins . 2013.Print.

Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. Theory in the Margin: Coetzee's Foe Reading Defoe's "Crusoe/Roxana" Author(s): Source: English in Africa, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Oct., 1990), pp. 1-23Published by: Institute for the Study of English in Africa, Rhodes UniversityStable URL: .Accessed: 08/09/2014 00:57

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How to Cite

Prof. R. B. Zala. (2019). Globalization and Indian Fiction: Concerns and Challenges. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(6). Retrieved from

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