Acceptance & Indianization of Autobiography - A Literary Journey of Decolonization

Acceptance & Indianization of Autobiography - A Literary Journey of Decolonization


  • Smita Nagrecha


Autobiography, Postcolonial life-writing, Hybridity, Decentering, Decolonisation, India


The purpose of this investigation is to investigate the complex process of autobiography's acceptance and Indianization as a literary genre, and to trace its trajectory as an essential component of the larger journey of decolonization. An examination of how the use of autobiography as a method of self-representation may become a potent tool for regaining narrative authority and cultural identity is the focus of this research, which takes place against the background of a post-colonial India. With the purpose of shedding light on the way authors manage the intricacies of self-expression, this analysis intends to contribute to a one-of-a-kind literary tapestry that represents the changing socio-cultural environment of post-independence India. This will be accomplished by analyzing significant autobiographical works within an Indian context. In this study, an interdisciplinary approach is used to investigate the combination of indigenous storytelling traditions and the autobiographical genre. The purpose of this investigation is to provide insight on the dynamic interaction that exists between personal narratives and the larger narrative of a nation that is decolonizing itself.


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How to Cite

Smita Nagrecha. (2024). Acceptance & Indianization of Autobiography - A Literary Journey of Decolonization. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from