
  • Jigar A. Dalvadi


Image restoration, image acquisition, degradation, Inverse filtering, deconvolution


The domain of image processing has experienced significant expansion in recent times, witnessing the introduction of numerous novel approaches to image restoration as part of this expansion. Image restoration is a challenging task in the field of Image processing field to restore image. For the reason of a single model by which to describe the image restoration problem. Dependent upon the nature of the processes by which the image was formed the actual models used and there are no universally agreed-upon criteria by which to judge the quality of a proposed image restoration process. These two criteria are the ones most frequently used in experiments with image restoration. During the process of image acquisition, sometimes images are degraded by various reason. Degradation may have various factors, such as motion of camera, blur lens, atmospheric disturbance, noise of sensor etc. Depending on the type of degradation, suitable and effective methods and algorithms of different image restoration are used. Restoration methods can categorize in to two types that are inverse filtering and Deconvolution. Inverse filtering is a fast and simple method that applies the inverse degradation function to the image. Inverse filtering is very responsive to noise and escalate it in the restored image. Therefore, inverse filtering is only suitable for images with known degradation functions and image having low noise levels. Numerous algorithms and filtering methods exist, each with distinct assumptions, advantages, and drawbacks depending on the prior understanding of the noise. Image smoothing stands out as a crucial and extensively employed procedure in image processing. In addition to addressing noise, this study also sheds light on a comparative examination of techniques for noise removal. This paper will outline diverse noise types affecting image models and explore different noise reduction methods, along with their respective strengths and weaknesses.


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How to Cite

Jigar A. Dalvadi. (2024). A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY AND SURVEYON IMAGE RESTORATION TECHNIQUES. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(si1), 1208–1222. Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/2033