Analyzing Media Literacy and its Importance in India

Analyzing Media Literacy and its Importance in India


  • Hajira Bano


Media Literacy, Education, Youth, Social media


With the advent of different media, youth are exposed to all kinds of information. In a country like India, most of the people are not media literate because of which fake and misinformation often misleads the youth. They sometimes fail to identify reliable and unreliable sources of information. It is imperative to impart knowledge about Media Literacy and how content is generated. If not used carefully and wisely, media like face book, whatsapp, twitter and YouTube can take them to the wrong directions. Despite media boom in India, the awareness level in terms of media literacy is almost unaddressed. Young minds must be trained and equipped to screen different media critically and use them selectively. This study intends to emphasize the importance of media literacy in minimizing rumors, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and propaganda.


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How to Cite

Hajira Bano. (2024). Analyzing Media Literacy and its Importance in India. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(si1), 1009–1022. Retrieved from