Holistic Care for Women During Pregnancy to Improve Outcomes: A Heartfulness Approach

Holistic Care for Women During Pregnancy to Improve Outcomes: A Heartfulness Approach


  • Dr. Sankar Narayana Chitracheti


Pregnant women, Stress and anxiety, PIH and gestational diabetes, Heartfulness meditation


Backbround: Lack of enough care during pregnancy or anxiety and stress during same period leads to development of complications over pregnancy make the situation leads to abnormal outcomes at the end i.e just before or during or after the delivery causing suffering of mother, baby and even the whole family. With proper care during this phase by adding few elements like adequate nutrition, adequate rest and sleep, exercise or yoga, hearing music or holy teachings, developing self-care. Above all we have an approach with heartfulness meditation along with other tools like rejuvenation, relaxation and prayer which can lead to improvement of self care, aquire divine qualities like love, peace, tolerance, courage, kindness and so on which can lead to decrease complications and its effects on pregnancy. Method: Its an observational and interventional study by utilising heartfulness methods and its tools. Study population: Pregnant woman coming to govt. General Hospital and few private hospitals at Anantapur town, Andhra pradhesh state. Results: Many pregnant women, who are practicing heartfulness meditation along with other life style measures prescribed during pregnancy including diet and yoga or excercises had observed less complications like low stress and anxiety, lower incidence of PIH, Diabetes and more normal deliveries, less premature deliveries.


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How to Cite

Dr. Sankar Narayana Chitracheti. (2024). Holistic Care for Women During Pregnancy to Improve Outcomes: A Heartfulness Approach. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(si1), 875–882. Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1998