Yoga as a Sustainable Lifestyle for Social and Ecological Harmony-A Heartfulness Perspective

Yoga as a Sustainable Lifestyle for Social and Ecological Harmony-A Heartfulness Perspective


  • Rathod Mridula Raghunath


In the current era, both man and nature are struggling for balance and harmony because of social fragmentation, hatred, jealousy, greed, and lack of love and respect leading to ecological degradation. Human life has to combat several issues at personal, social, national and international levels. Furthermore, animals and plants are also facing the danger of extinction, keeping our mother Earth at risk. This will lead to long lasting impact on human health, affecting physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Hence need for sustainable lifestyle has become imperative. The potential of Yogic lifestyle, as a holistic approach to fostering social and ecological harmony as advocated by ancient Indian Rishis and supported by modern scientific research can become beacon for the suffering humanity and mother Earth.

Keeping mind calm and clear, filling the heart with positive attributes such as love, compassion, empathy, sympathy leading to harmonious interpersonal relationships and a reverential interaction with environment is possible through meditation practices rooted in ancient tradition of Raja Yoga. This paper explores how Yogic lifestyle can contribute to enhanced social bonds, an eco-friendlier way of living and heartfulness practice as the tool to cultivating awareness and evolution of consciousness, a significant step towards achieving a balanced and sustainable existence, addressing both social and ecological challenges.


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How to Cite

Rathod Mridula Raghunath. (2024). Yoga as a Sustainable Lifestyle for Social and Ecological Harmony-A Heartfulness Perspective. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(si1), 468–481. Retrieved from