Unmasking the Gurus: Evaluating Arun Joshi's Bellowian ‘Reality Instructors’

Unmasking the Gurus: Evaluating Arun Joshi's Bellowian ‘Reality Instructors’


  • Kirtikumar Ramanuj


Reality Instructors, Saul Bellow, Arun Joshi, Identity, Self-awareness


This study focuses on the application of Saul Bellow's concept of Reality Instructors to the minor characters within select novels by Arun Joshi. The paper mainly revolves around Arun Joshi’s two novels; The Foreigner (1968) and The Apprentice (1974). Bellow's 'Reality Instructors' are pivotal figures in his narratives who provide protagonist profound insights into the nature of existence, guiding him toward self-awareness and understanding of the world's complexities. By posing challenge to protagonist’s preconceived notions, these mentors guide him towards a more authentic understanding of the existence and his own self. The analysis will explore how Joshi's minor characters embody the Reality Instructor archetype of Saul Bellow. Moreover, it will also examine how encounters and interactions with realistic instructors shape the lead characters' perceptions of truth, identity, and his place in the world. The paper will further explore whether these interactions empower the character or create additional burdens and complexities.


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How to Cite

Kirtikumar Ramanuj. (2024). Unmasking the Gurus: Evaluating Arun Joshi’s Bellowian ‘Reality Instructors’. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 10(1). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1924