An Intense Study of the Educational Thoughts of Sri Aurobindo

An Intense Study of the Educational Thoughts of Sri Aurobindo


  • Megha Patel


Sri Aurobindo, Educational thoughts


This paper provides an in-depth exploration of the educational philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, illuminating the core principles that underpin his thought system. We conduct a comprehensive literature review of existing scholarship on Sri Aurobindo’s educational ideas, identifying key themes such as integral education, the spiritual dimension of learning, and the relationship between individual development and social progress. The study aims to elucidate how these elements weave into a holistic approach to education that is both innovative and relevant in contemporary discourse. Ultimately, we conclude with implications for current educational practices and suggestions for future research.


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Banerji, A. (2011). Towards Integral Education: An Exploration of Sri Aurobindo’s Educational Philosophy. Journal of Educational Philosophy, 3(1), 1-20.

Mishra, R. (2018). Sri Aurobindo’s Philosophy of Education and its Relevance in Contemporary Society. International Journal of Educational Research, 5(4), 229-241.

Reddy, P. (2005). Integral Education: The Relevance of Aurobindo’s Thoughts to Contemporary Education. Indian Journal of Philosophy of Education, 3(2), 63-78.

Sharma, N. (2015). Spiritual Dimensions of Education: Learning from Sri Aurobindo. South Asian Review of Religion and Education, 7(1), 45-59.

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How to Cite

Megha Patel. (2020). An Intense Study of the Educational Thoughts of Sri Aurobindo. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(3). Retrieved from