Microbial Analysis of Drinking Water Sample Collected from Different Areas of Morbi District

Microbial Analysis of Drinking Water Sample Collected from Different Areas of Morbi District


  • Ms. Himanshi kasundra
  • Prof. Nirali Ambarambhai Jethaloja


A study will conducted to evaluate the quality of drinking water of the morbi district.. A total of six drinking water samples were collected from different sources like tube wells, well, lacks, taps in different place of morbi district. The sample were analyzed for microbiological parameters. To detect quality of drinking water Different microbiological test will be performed like SPC, presumptive test, confirmed test, completed test etc. Here we detect that from this six water sample how many samples cross the WHO guideline value. If the water sample is fecal contaminated or the sample contain other pathoganic organisms so that, this type of water sample is not potable to drink by people/humans. Because that kind of sample causes different types of water born diseases. Here we detect that from collected total of six water sample only well water sample is not potable.


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Purohit, M. S. (2012). Resource Management in the Desert Ecosystem of Nagaur District: An Ecological Study of Land (Agriculture), Water and Human Resources (Doctoral dissertation, Maharaja Ganga Singh University).

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How to Cite

Ms. Himanshi kasundra, & Prof. Nirali Ambarambhai Jethaloja. (2024). Microbial Analysis of Drinking Water Sample Collected from Different Areas of Morbi District. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1807