Echoes of the Mind: A Journey into Character Psyches in A Tale of two Cities by Charles Dickens

Echoes of the Mind: A Journey into Character Psyches in A Tale of two Cities by Charles Dickens


  • Miss Maheta Pranchi Hitenkumar


Charles, Dickens, novel, characters, Psyches


 A Tale of two Cities' focuses on the psychological depths of the inner turmoil of it’s characters. The paper focuses on the main four characters of the novel namely Sidney Carton, Charles Darnay, Dr. Alexandre Manette, Madame Defarge. The paper shows the psyche of each and every character and the change they undergone. The paper tells of a journey within the pages of Charles Dicken’s timeless classic,' A Tale of Two Cities' focus on the psychological depths of the inner turmoil of its characters


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A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, Rupa Publication

Encyclopedia Britannica.

Cliffs Notes.

Internet public library.

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How to Cite

Miss Maheta Pranchi Hitenkumar. (2024). Echoes of the Mind: A Journey into Character Psyches in A Tale of two Cities by Charles Dickens. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from