A Tapestry of Tomorrows: As Envisioned in ‘River of Gods’ by Ian McDonald

A Tapestry of Tomorrows: As Envisioned in ‘River of Gods’ by Ian McDonald


  • Miss Tanvi Vyas


The allure of the future has perpetually fascinated humanity, compelling us to chase its elusive promises with unwavering determination. When contemplating the destiny of an entire nation, this yearning transcends individual boundaries—age, gender, caste, or race—and unites citizens in their shared aspiration for progress.

Interestingly, a British author has undertaken the audacious task of envisioning India as it might exist in the year 2047. While some aspects of the book may provoke dissent among Indian readers, our objective here is to dissect the work impartially—as a piece of literary art—and explore its imaginative science-fiction elements.

The Research paper aims to delve into this futuristic narrative, dissecting its themes, characters, and speculative projections. Through this lens, we shall appreciate the author’s creative endeavor and engage in a thoughtful exploration of India’s potential evolution.


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Mark Twain, The Complete Essays of Mark Twain (New York: Doubleday, 1963).

The Editors of Psycom. (2022, June 7). The five stages of grief. https://www.psycom.net/stages-of-grief

Vivekananda, Swami. Lectures From Colombo to Almora: Lectures From Colombo to Almora: SWAMI VIVEKANANDA Enlightens Audiences on Spiritual Wisdom by SWAMI VIVEKANANDA. Prabhat Prakashan, 2021.

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How to Cite

Miss Tanvi Vyas. (2024). A Tapestry of Tomorrows: As Envisioned in ‘River of Gods’ by Ian McDonald. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1727