Diwali With New Nose

Diwali With New Nose


  • Vyas Pankti Jagdishbhai


translation story, english translation, bhartiyasahitya, translation, gujrati folktale, gujrati shortstory traslation, Unity in diversity, stop blindly following, besatisfied


The story I have taken is a funny folktale of Gujarati literature the story shows the nature of human the damage caused by jealousy and anger and the result of greed.

Seth and his wife lived in a small village. Punmio and his wife were their neighbours. Once they drew water from the well, there was a big fight between the two women. Then this fight went on for a long time. Every day Vaniyan (Merchant’s wife) complained to Seth, but He explained to his wife that ‘keep calm now, we will take revenge when the time comes’.

After 11 months passed, the rain left the Earth and after some time, An auspicious Festival ‘Diwali’ came. Seth told a secret thing to Punmiya that on the night of Kali Chaudas, everyone in our house will cut off each other’s noses and then in the morning new noses will come, besides this there will be a lot of wealth in our house, we have been doing the same for years. Every year everyone New and beautiful noses come. We celebrate Diwali with new noses. Greedy and quarrelsome Poonmio was shocked to hear the Whole Story and decided to follow the Seth.

On the day of Kali Chaudas, He and his family dutifully severed their noses, anticipating the promised rewards. However, when dawn broke, there were no new noses, nor any wealth. Instead, they were left disfigured and empty-handed. Punmio asked Seth about this, demanding an explanation. Seth’s response was both cunning and humorous. “Had I known you’d blindly follow,” he quipped, “I wouldn’t have revealed our secret ceremony of cutting the noses?


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• Interaction with elders

• Oral Tradition

• Guidence from our Experienced Teachers

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How to Cite

Vyas Pankti Jagdishbhai. (2024). Diwali With New Nose. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1721