Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth of Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth of Hospitality and Tourism Industry


  • Dr Ranjeeta Tripathi
  • Dr. Dharna Shukla


Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Hospitality Industry, Tourism sector, Strategies, Government policies


The sustainable development and inclusive growth of the hospitality and tourism industry have emerged as critical aspects in the face of environmental challenges and socio-economic disparities. This article explores the multifaceted dimensions of sustainable development within the hospitality and tourism sector, emphasizing the need for environmentally responsible practices, community engagement, and equitable economic opportunities.  This article highlights the potential of sustainable tourism to foster economic growth while preserving natural resources and promoting social inclusion. Through collaboration between stakeholders, policymakers, and industry leaders, sustainable development principles can be integrated into the core strategies of hospitality and tourism businesses, contributing to a more resilient and inclusive future for the sector. It discusses strategies for achieving sustainability, such as energy efficiency, waste reduction, and community engagement. Emphasis is placed on the benefits of sustainability, including cost savings, enhanced reputation, and resilience to climate change, while acknowledging the disadvantages of intensive growth, such as overcrowding and environmental degradation. The study highlights Indian government policies and initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable tourism practices, conserving natural and cultural heritage, and maximizing socio-economic benefits while minimizing negative impacts.


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How to Cite

Dr Ranjeeta Tripathi, & Dr. Dharna Shukla. (2024). Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth of Hospitality and Tourism Industry. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from