Review on Innovative Methods of Teaching Learning in Nursing and Allied Health Sciences

Review on Innovative Methods of Teaching Learning in Nursing and Allied Health Sciences




pedagogy, panel discussion, life skills, learn by fun, interactive teaching, group learning


The worldwide growth of any nation is determined based on its education system. Education is the key to achieve the high-level target of a country. The way of educating the learner is also changing day by day. A teacher must adopt the technology to keep himself updated. Various innovative pedagogies are used by the educator to provide best comprehension and life skills to their students. The objective of this review article is to describe the innovative methods of teaching learning which can be used as alternative methods of teaching Andragogy and pedagogy are used by educationalist since long but heutagogy is new way of learning as part of self-directed learning. Innovative methods can be listed as evidenced based learning, critical thinking scenario, group discussion, panel discussion, seminar, workshop, field-based learning, OSCE, simulation based learning, and peer assisted learning, group discussion. An educator can use the innovative way of teaching to simplify the concept of science. National Education Policy-2020 (NEP) focuses on various parameter of innovative learning and online courses.


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How to Cite

DR. VIPIN VAGERIYA. (2024). Review on Innovative Methods of Teaching Learning in Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from