Single Phase Z Source Buck-Boost Matrix Converter

Single Phase Z Source Buck-Boost Matrix Converter


  • Rushikesh V. Pandya
  • Manan Mukeshbhai Desai


A single-phase impedance source buck-boost matrix converter based on a single phase matrix converter that connects directly the single-phase source to the single-phase load. The converter can buck and boost both voltage and frequency. This converter has several attractive features that have been investigated in the last few decades. This converter gives variable output frequency and variable output amplitude. In the last few years, an increase in research work has been observed, bringing this topology closer to the industrial application.

The aim of this Paper is to elimination of voltage spikes on switches without need for a snubbed circuit by providing safe-commutation switching strategy to conduct along a continuous current path. The new modulation strategy keeps the number of switching at a minimum. Implementing this converter requires different switching arrangements based on the desired amplitude and frequency. The amplitude of the output voltage is controlled by the shoot-through period and the frequency of the output voltage depends on the switching strategy. The operating principles of proposed single phase impedance source buck-boost matrix converter are described, To check the performance of proposed converter, Simulink model is provided. simulation result shows the converter can produce an output voltage with different frequencies and that amplitude of the output voltage can be bucked and boosted.


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How to Cite

Rushikesh V. Pandya, & Manan Mukeshbhai Desai. (2024). Single Phase Z Source Buck-Boost Matrix Converter. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from