Depiction Of Milieu in Pita-Putra by Homen Borgohain

Depiction Of Milieu in Pita-Putra by Homen Borgohain


  • Ms. Urja Sanchaniya


Homen Borgohain (1932-2021) is an Assamese novelist, poet, critic and journalist. His novels deal with political and social themes. He is basically concerned with social realism. The novel Pita-Putra is the story of two generations and also of generation gap. Narrator has patterned the story in rural Assam and as we read the narration of the protagonist Sivnath we realize that it tells us something realistic about the philosophy of life.

Overall novel deals with the two worlds one is the world which we can see through our eyes and the other is inner world the world full of sentiments. The story continues with Protagonist Sivnath as how he reacts and analyses the events happening around him. But he could not execute his idealism into the action. The Author has illustrate however miseries in human life are common. But miseries caused by self-deception of individual are due to falseness attired by society.


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How to Cite

Ms. Urja Sanchaniya. (2024). Depiction Of Milieu in Pita-Putra by Homen Borgohain. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from