Storytelling Aids for Foundation Years Using Traditional Arts of India KATHA WITH KALA

Storytelling Aids for Foundation Years Using Traditional Arts of India KATHA WITH KALA


  • Ms Jayshree Kargatia


Kala, Katha, Children, Storytelling, Traditional, Arts and crafts, Culture, Heritage, Puppets, Local for Vocal


Storytelling has been one of the most popular forms of entertainment since olden times. It has been a form of entertainment not just for toddlers but for adults as well. A lot of preparation and hard work goes to put up an interesting storytelling session. There have been various forms of storytelling. Some originated in the early centuries while others have been designed in the present age of advanced technology.

Whichever the form, storytelling has been a powerful tool as a teaching aid for preschoolers. It teaches children so many things, all at the same time, starting from an increase in vocabulary, improving conversation skills, allowing room for imagination, learning new concepts, and developing morality, empathy, sympathy, and respect for others.

Stories have been told in various ways. One can use books, flashcards, flip charts, bulletin board pictures, digital media, and many more. In the olden days, people had their ways of telling stories. Some of them are used even today. Puppets have been one such thing that have been used through the ages and are popular even today. Puppets have been used for storytelling, entertainment, and as part of their academics to teach different concepts. The types of puppets have changed through time but they are still one of the most common forms of storytelling.

India has always boasted of several forms of art and craft, each belonging to its region of origin and state. The state of Maharashtra has been known for warli painting, Ganjifa cards came from Mysore and many others. Many times, the art of the region was reflected in the various puppets or toys made. This enabled art to become popular and gave some means for the artisans of that region or state to keep the art alive and earn some livelihood for themselves. Unfortunately, this has not been the case today.

Here, the researcher has tried to combine both the art and various storytelling aids of a region.  This will help to keep traditional art alive and make present-day preschoolers familiar with our rich cultural heritage. Most of the traditional art has been eco-friendly and used locally available materials. Hence the aids were easy to make as well as economical. Aids made in this way keep the art alive and give some form of livelihood to the concerned artisans.

‘VOCAL FOR LOCAL’, has been the essence of the present day, and the other essence has been to bring out the traditional crafts to the fore and make the younger generation aware of rich heritage.


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How to Cite

Ms Jayshree Kargatia. (2024). Storytelling Aids for Foundation Years Using Traditional Arts of India KATHA WITH KALA. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from