Role And Growth of Venture Capital in India with Availability of Funds for Small and Medium Enterprises and Start-Up for Bringing Sustainability in Economic Development

Role And Growth of Venture Capital in India with Availability of Funds for Small and Medium Enterprises and Start-Up for Bringing Sustainability in Economic Development


  • Dr. Ankita Jain


Venture capital, Small and Medium Enterprise, Start-ups, high growth potential


The growth of venture capital in India has definitely followed a creeping progression of occurrence.  It is envisioning the concept of your innovative idea and our money as life blood support for the growing small-scale business for today’s industrial storyline. The concept has actually taken off in. venture capitalist not only provides money, also assist upcoming entrepreneurs enlightening to the risky, sizeable venture with high growth potential business idea and articulate the way to transmute the thought into achievable business venture. In the history of India’s development, the area of MSME has shown that there is a colossal capability if the ideas get correlated with innovative, scientific technology and knowledge-based industry, it can pullulate to the maximum. Main purpose of the paper is to contour notion and current scenario of venture funds and impact on MSME, with the recommendation of various committees.


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Stags of Venture capital, Source:, Silicon Valley bank.

Sources: VC report 2023; Bain & Company; Pitchbook; Venture Intelligence; AVCJ; VCCEdge

Ticket size indicates total investment value in respective rounds/deals (inclusive of all investors) Sources: Bain & Company; Pitchbook; Venture Intelligence; AVCJ; VCCEdge IV- Investment Value.

Sources: Bain & Company; Pitchbook; Venture Intelligence; AVCJ; VCCEdge.

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How to Cite

Dr. Ankita Jain. (2024). Role And Growth of Venture Capital in India with Availability of Funds for Small and Medium Enterprises and Start-Up for Bringing Sustainability in Economic Development. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si2). Retrieved from