Mass Media and Community Development

Mass Media and Community Development


  • Dr. Manoj Kumar Lodha


Communication is a well-planned process. It is important to have premeditated programmes full of planned strategies. Communicator or sender is the focal point of this process. Every person stays within the bounds of social bonds, cultural customs and trust and it became the habit of their lives. It is the duty of the communicator that when someone sends a message, it should not destroy someone’s social and cultural belief. Culture continues to be transferred from generation to generation. Man is valuable only through culture. The communication process has an effective exchange of ideas, perceptions, knowledge, beliefs, values and emotions between two or more people. People try to bring changes in their thoughts, beliefs and behaviour through communication. It is a good way of community development also.


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How to Cite

Dr. Manoj Kumar Lodha. (2015). Mass Media and Community Development. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 1(1). Retrieved from