Human Resource Cost Accounting and Financial Performance of Indian IT Services & Consulting companies: A Rational Analysis

Human Resource Cost Accounting and Financial Performance of Indian IT Services & Consulting companies: A Rational Analysis




IT Services & Consulting, Human Resource Cost Accounting, Net Profit, Graph, Regression


In the present research an attempt has been made by the researcher to study Human Resource Cost Accounting and Financial Performance of Selected Indian IT Services & Consulting companies. The main aim behind this research is to scrutinize the relationship between Human Resource Cost and Financial Performance (Net Profit) impact of Human Resource Cost on Financial Performance (Net Profit).  In that direction researcher had selected nine Indian IT Services & Consulting companies and further their Human Resource Cost and Net Profit has been analyzed. The research covers five years from 2017 to 2021. Justifying the objective mentioned above researcher applied Correlation which showed there was perfectly positive relation between Human Resource Cost and Net Profit further than applied Regression analysis, in that Human Resource Cost is considered as Independent variable while Net Profit is Considered as Dependent Variable the result of which signposted P- Value of 0.0231 which less than 0.05, hence the null hypothesis was not accepted at 5 % significance level hence there is significant effect of HR cost on Net Profit of the Selected Indian IT Services & Consulting Companies during the research period. 


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How to Cite

KRISHNA VYAS. (2023). Human Resource Cost Accounting and Financial Performance of Indian IT Services & Consulting companies: A Rational Analysis. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(2). Retrieved from