Skin Diseases Due to the Affection of Various Dyes Among the Workers of Dyeing Industries in Jetpur, Gujarat, India

Skin Diseases Due to the Affection of Various Dyes Among the Workers of Dyeing Industries in Jetpur, Gujarat, India


  • Mrs. Bhavnaben B. Mehta


Dyeing, Skin Diseases, Dye


Jetpur is a very famous semi-urban city for dyeing industry. It is one of the rapidly growing sectors of Jetpur’s financial system as it provides employment to a large number of people. The workers working in this sector get exposed to a large number of chemicals and become the victims of different types of diseases and health problems. Due to the affection of dyes the workers suffer from the various diseases. The respiratory and skin diseases are the major ones. Besides these, they also suffer from indigestion, acidity, ulcer, constipation etc. During the printing of sarees and material and dyeing process, they have to work with heavy tools thus they also have muscular disease. In the present paper, the researcher has focused only on skin disease due to the affection of dyes. The objective of this study is to know which dye is more harmful and responsible for such diseases.


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How to Cite

Mrs. Bhavnaben B. Mehta. (2019). Skin Diseases Due to the Affection of Various Dyes Among the Workers of Dyeing Industries in Jetpur, Gujarat, India. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(1). Retrieved from