Effctveness Of Inductive Thinking Model Over Conventional Teaching Method On Academic Achievement For Science And Technology Subject

Effctveness Of Inductive Thinking Model Over Conventional Teaching Method On Academic Achievement For Science And Technology Subject


  • Dr.Bhavesh K. Shah


Achievement Test(CRT), Inductive Thinking Model, Conventional Teaching Method


This Study investigated the effectiveness of Inductive Thinking Model over Conventional teaching method on Academic Achievement of Science and Technology at the upper secondary level of Science and technology students. A total of 100 students were taken in the study as Experimental work has to be done. The author selected purposive two equivalent groups, pre-test post-test design in true experimental design. The effect of the classroom teaching for the units based on Science and Technology content through Inductive Thinking Model over conventional teaching as experimental research has to be done. The effect of the classroom teaching for the units based on Science and Technology content through Inductive Thinking Model over Conventional teaching was found by using ANCOVA statistical method “t” Values. Results revealed a statistically significant effect of Inductive Thinking Model over conventional teaching method on Academic achievement of students. Based upon the achievement test in Science and Technology related Science and technology (CRT), teaching of Science and technology through the Inductive Thinking Model may be advocated as a better tool than conventional method for teaching science and technology at secondary level. In context to gender purpose both male and female students have the same effect of Inductive Thinking Model and Conventional method of Teaching for the Science and technology related knowledge.However, the work carried out is having certain limitations such as the unit of lesson-plans based on Science and technology content of Std.IX science and Technology, GSEB, Gujarat related whole content was specified only for 4 sub-units.


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How to Cite

Dr.Bhavesh K. Shah. (2020). Effctveness Of Inductive Thinking Model Over Conventional Teaching Method On Academic Achievement For Science And Technology Subject. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1367