The Role of Drama in Education

The Role of Drama in Education


  • Dr. Heera G. Rajwani


Communication skills, performing art, street play, folk drama, thinking process


In the present day time the there is increase of the technology. Every one has become mobile mania and Net savvy. In this atmosphere it is a big challenge for the teachers to teach the content in an effective manner. There are various ways of teaching the content, various methods, techniques and tactics to enable the learning process effective. Today there is flair of online education and distance learning so many learners are leaning by sitting at home. They won‟t get the exposure of traditional class in the online classes. The present paper presents the meaning of education along with the definitions of various authors and philosophers. It also reflects the light on the performing art and the concept of performing art and the importance of it. The paper ends with importance of importance of drama in education.


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How to Cite

Dr. Heera G. Rajwani. (2020). The Role of Drama in Education. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from