A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF WORKING CHILDREN: A Case Study of Rajkot City from the Social Psychological Aspects

A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF WORKING CHILDREN: A Case Study of Rajkot City from the Social Psychological Aspects


  • Dr. M. V. Sondarva


Problem of child labour is a world wide problem. Children is a wealth of country on which our country foundation in protected. If children of any country are to be disciplined, active, healthy and trained future of child country will be right brightness of the country depends on how much children are disciplined, active healthy and trained.Country such a developed India were the village are broken and the people are migrating and settled in urban areas. Now besides duo to globalization and changes in family tradition, cultural changes. the problem of child labour is going on and day to day so , I have tried to know of child labour in resent research.


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-Indian Society Issues & Problems – A.G Shah & J.k Dave Anda Book Depo Ahmedabad.

-Social Problem Of Urban – E. M. Johanson The Dorsey Press Honewood LLirois.

-A K Bhartiy Vatavarnma Balapradh – Hansa Sheth (Anuvadak-Hasmukh Patel) C N Vidyavihar-Ahmedabad.

-Bhartme Samajik Samasyaa – M. N. Lavaniya & Shasi K Jain-College book Depo Jaipur.

-Samajik Samsayao-Harsida Dave-Univarcity Garnthnirman Bord Ahmedabad.

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How to Cite

Dr. M. V. Sondarva. (2020). A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF WORKING CHILDREN: A Case Study of Rajkot City from the Social Psychological Aspects. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from https://j.vidhyayanaejournal.org/index.php/journal/article/view/1332