Awareness Of Hybrid, Digital Moreover Virtual Library: A Vital Approach

Awareness Of Hybrid, Digital Moreover Virtual Library: A Vital Approach


  • Pankaj Bhagat


Automated Library, Electronic Library, Modern Library, Hybrid Library, Digital Library, Virtual Library


For the most part the working assortment of books, records, papers, broad media materials kept and sorted out for individuals to peruse or get in a library. Ongoing advances in PCs stockpiling and handling, correspondence advances, e-item, systems administration and web utilizes have gotten a progressive change working of the libraries and its administrations. ICT has a ton of effect on library and it has changed the idea of library where print and paper media are the primary parts of library framework. To meet gigantic data blast and appeal of data, libraries are presently changes in advanced library. Due to digitizing the library assets and quick evolving innovation, another sort of library is came in presence which is called-virtual library. A large number of us are in every case especially befuddled about such phrasing of library. In this study effort was made to free the idea from these libraries wording in an expert manner.


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How to Cite

Pankaj Bhagat. (2020). Awareness Of Hybrid, Digital Moreover Virtual Library: A Vital Approach. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from