Analytical Study Of Prevention From Transmission Of Covid-19 Pandemic And Its Affect On Worldwide Population

Analytical Study Of Prevention From Transmission Of Covid-19 Pandemic And Its Affect On Worldwide Population


  • Rajkumar Sharma


Corona virus, COVID-19, MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV, Worldwide, Infection, Death


The World Health Organization has recently declared coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), a public health emergency of international concern The coronavirus is a family of viruses that can cause a range of illnesses in humans including common cold and more severe forms like SARS and MERS which are life-threatening. Coronaviruses are minute in size (65–125 nm in diameter) and contain a single-stranded RNA as a nucleic material, size ranging from 26 to 32kbs in length. The incubation period of COVID-19 is 1–14 days. It is highly transmissible in humans, especially in age of patients 47–59 years and children.

Corona virus transmitted human to human or human to animal via airborne droplets. Corona virus enters in human cell through membrane ACE-2 exopeptidase receptor. COVID-19 primarily spreads through the respiratory tract, by airborne droplets, respiratory secretions, and direct contact for a low infective dose. Common symptoms of COVID-19 noticed by the many scientists among effected peoples were fever, shortness of breath, pressure in the chest, Confusion, Cough sore throat and headache. It has been suggested by the many scientists that there is no cure for coronaviruses, but they should stay at home, Avoid close contact with other people, Covering the mouth and nose with Face Mask /handkerchief, Maintain social/ physical distance of about 01 meter from other people, Keep physically active and Boosting immunity through Physical and Yogic Exercise.

Analysis of countrywide collected data revealed that American peoples were found more effected from COVID-19 followed by Spain, Italy, Germany, England, France, Turkey, China, Iran and Russia. Highest death were also noticed in America and lowest in Russia. When the data was collected continent wide, the results revealed the highest  infected cases in North America, followed by Asia, Europe, South America, Africa, and Australia/Oceania. In whole world, 23,56, 774 peoples were found effected from Covid-19. The 1,64,662 death of the peoples had occurred in world upto 20/04/2020.


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How to Cite

Rajkumar Sharma. (2020). Analytical Study Of Prevention From Transmission Of Covid-19 Pandemic And Its Affect On Worldwide Population. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from