An Analytical Study on Financial Health of Selected Pharmaceutical Companies by using Kida’s Model

An Analytical Study on Financial Health of Selected Pharmaceutical Companies by using Kida’s Model


  • Ramani Harsha


Financial Health, Kida’s Model, Z score


In today’s competitive world it is necessary to evaluate the performance of the firm or industry on the regular basis to sustain in the market. With the help of evaluation of performance we can find out the efficient and inefficient units and can take several measures to turn inefficient unit into efficient unit. In this research work Kida Model is used to measure efficiency of Pharmaceutical Companies. 5 Companies are selected and the study period is 2015, 2016 and 2017. ANOVA and Kida’s Model are used for data analysis. According to Kida’s Model the company which has Z score more than 0.38 is consider as safe. So all selected companies having Z score more than 0.38. So, all selected pharmaceutical companies are in safe zone during study period. And hypothesis tested with the help of ANOVA. It conclude that null hypothesis expected. So results are as per expected.


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How to Cite

Ramani Harsha. (2020). An Analytical Study on Financial Health of Selected Pharmaceutical Companies by using Kida’s Model. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from