An importance of Antivirus in Computer Security: Specially for Accounting Students

An importance of Antivirus in Computer Security: Specially for Accounting Students


  • Mr. Vishal Patel


Sensitive Knowledge, Square measure, significant, divesting, Antivirus, Account Education


Accountants store personal and money knowledge of purchasers on computers. The loss or exposure of this knowledge will have devastating consequences for the consumer and therefore the business. laptop Antivirus play a significant role for security reason. square measure students making ready to figure an exceedingly in a field that always has access to an individual’s Social Security variety, checking account routing numbers, and company money records, ready to stay that knowledge secure through common laptop security practices? This paper analyzes the responses of a gaggle of accounting students to a laptop security survey on the bottom of awareness of laptop antivirus and plenty of a lot of points. The survey was developed to research the safety awareness and practices of faculty students. The results of this study indicate that accounting students might not be sufficiently ready to assist safeguard sensitive knowledge and resources as they become active accountants.


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How to Cite

Mr. Vishal Patel. (2020). An importance of Antivirus in Computer Security: Specially for Accounting Students. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from