An Eco - Critical Concepts in Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace

An Eco - Critical Concepts in Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace


  • Dr. Kalpeshkumar Solanki


Eco-criticism, Ecology, Colonialism, Environmental Degradation, Amitav Ghosh


Nature has been taken as the main concern in many literary works. With the changing perceptions of human mind, the depiction of environment in literature also changed in style and technique. The modern writers mainly focus on the exploitation of the environment by the humans and its effect. This sense of concern has given rise to a new branch of literary theory, called Ecocriticism. Ecocriticism is an area of research that studies the relation between man and nature. The present paper is an eco-critical reading of Amitav Ghosh‟s novel, ‘The GlassPalace’published in 2000 which shows how the British intervention in the South Asia has caused the environmental damages which resulted into the destruction and dislocation triggered by it and the approach which deals with the study of representations of nature in literary works and of the relationship between literature and the environment termed as “Ecocriticism”.


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Ghosh, Amitav. The Glass of Palace. Noida: HarperCollins Publishers, 2014. Print.

Rueckert, William. “Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism” The Ecocriticism Reader. Ed. Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press, 1996. Print.

Love, Glen A. “Revaluing Nature”. The Ecocriticism Reader. Ed. Cheryll Glotfelty and Harold Fromm. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1996. Print.

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How to Cite

Dr. Kalpeshkumar Solanki. (2020). An Eco - Critical Concepts in Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from