Mobile Phone: As Technology Assisted Language Learning for students to Teach English

Mobile Phone: As Technology Assisted Language Learning for students to Teach English


  • Rakesh A Patel


TALL, MALL, Technology, Flash cards, Audio-Visual Aids


Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) can expand second language educating and learning by bringing it into this present reality. Valid open circumstances related to the social ancient rarities and metalinguistic hints offered by the setting can advance dynamic learning; in any case, as respondents of the examination introduced in this section noticed, this powerful cycle of arranged learning must be upheld by admittance to friends and facilitators, data and semantic assets, just as instruments for catching and conveying phonetic data. In addition, out of-class language learning must be guided by a significant educational undertaking which incorporates language-in real life exercises and persuades students to work and speak with others. While communicating with others in a sociocultural milieu of this present reality, students can depend on versatile technology to give the fundamental social antiquities and devices.


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How to Cite

Rakesh A Patel. (2018). Mobile Phone: As Technology Assisted Language Learning for students to Teach English. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(2). Retrieved from