Cry, the Peacock: A Critical Study from the perspective of Feminism

Cry, the Peacock: A Critical Study from the perspective of Feminism


  • Vimal Patel


The word Feminism has its origin in the movements of and related to women‟s rights and issues concerning women in society. A central theme of feminist history is the subjugation of woman the society across the culture. The feminist also believe that it is one of the major causes of all psychological imbalances in the man woman relation in the human society. In this regard, Janet Richards remarks:
           The essence of Feminism has a strong fundamental case intended to mean only that there are excellent reasons for                           thinking that woman suffer from systematic social injustice because of their sex, the proposition is to be regarded as                         constituting feminism. (Richard 3)


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How to Cite

Vimal Patel. (2018). Cry, the Peacock: A Critical Study from the perspective of Feminism. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(1). Retrieved from