Necessity of Drills and Language Games in ESL Classrooms

Necessity of Drills and Language Games in ESL Classrooms


  • Mayurkumar G. Dave


ESL, Drills, Language Games, Psychology of Language Learning


The present paper aims at the discussion of the importance of drills and language games in the ESL classrooms. In a multi-lingual country like India, English is given place as a foreign language with respect to the ‘Three Language Formula’. Psychology plays an important role in learning any language, be it mother tongue or any other. The objectives of the paper are : ( 1 ) To provide and discuss the Psychological views of language learning, ( 2 ) To discuss the problems of ESL learners, and ( 3 ) To discuss the importance of drilling and language games in ESL classrooms. For a non-native speaker, learning any other language is considered as a deliberate effort. While having mastery over other language, the learner has to make an extra effort. And doing so he / she commit certain mistakes. In some other cases, they do not have interest in the language due its complexity. To solve these problems of the learners, various approaches, methods, techniques, materials are available. Drills and Language Games help overcome these issues of the students. Here, different types of drills and language games have been discussed which can be utilized in the classroom teaching. With the help of these drills and language games, the atmosphere of the classroom can be made live. The students can be made to pay attention in classroom activities. These drills and language games are based on the Psychological principles as well. With the help of these drills and language games, learning can be made a pleasurable and rewarding experience.


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How to Cite

Mayurkumar G. Dave. (2018). Necessity of Drills and Language Games in ESL Classrooms. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(1). Retrieved from