Economic and Emission Constrained Load Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm

Economic and Emission Constrained Load Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm


  • Punita V. Ladani


Genetic Algorithm, Economic Load Dispatch, Economic Emission Dispatch, Reproduction, Crossover, Mutation


The Genetic Method is a self-adaptive algorithm for global search optimization. It is a technique for searching that is based on random probability. It blends an artificial premise, namely Darwin's survival of the fittest, with an abstracted genetic operation from nature to create a durable system that is exceptionally good at discovering optimal solutions to difficult real-world circumstances. This work proposes a GA to manage generation scheduling for Economic load dispatch with emission limits, a topic that has lately gained interest as a result of power industry liberalisation and strict environmental regulation. The issue is written for three distinct generators, each of which is constrained by its own set of constraints. The capacity limits on the generating units are handled as inequality constraints, whereas the generation-demand balance constraint is treated as an equality constraint. This paper presents a novel way for handling equality constraints. The collected data indicate that the evolutionary algorithm has a solution set that is optimal under a range of loading conditions.


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How to Cite

Punita V. Ladani. (2021). Economic and Emission Constrained Load Dispatch Using Genetic Algorithm. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(2). Retrieved from